Monday, March 23, 2009

Updates and replies

Thank you to all the readers of this blog - equally, to those of you who abuse and allege, and those of your who ask and enquire. A lot of comments have been answered in the comments sections as well. Do read, please, the comments below all posts as well.

First, answering some of the questions that were asked by an anonymous reader of this blog -
1) Current status of the strike: The "movement" is falling and diluting. Reason is taking fore and relentless rigidity is giving way to alternative talk. The non teaching employees of the university held a press conference against the students!! This college is MAD!
2) Exact numbers in the strike and those outside: Rest assured, there are no more than between a quarter and a third of the total number of students on strike.
3) VC's status: He had declared a sine die. He obviously relented to the pressure and allowed for facilities to be used since everyone was not ready to comply with the sine die order. Some employees came to the striking students to ask them if they would be ready to resume classes from Monday. The striking students refused to do so. Hence the sine die order stands.
4) Status of the EC: The VC had allowed the students to make a representation before the EC. The EC heard the students and said that a lot of claims being made were baseless. That's when and how the strike started. It is actually against the EC. However, we must note that a lot of big names sit on the EC and a bad word from them about students would be fatal to the already ailing recruitment situation. The recession adds the icing to the cake. The way to deal with the EC would have been dialogue. Not strike.
5) Status of Chancellor: Last we heard, the Chancellor, CJ of Chhattisgarh had refused to even LISTEN to any demands until the strike was called off and classes resumed. This statement was also covered by the local media. Instead of taking him into confidence, we continued the strike!

Next we move on to Our opinion and once again, trying to tell you all what we at this blog think
Our basic assumption is that the VC is a non-issue. His staying or going is not our concern at all! We are saying that let there be classes. Let there be recruitments. In the meanwhile, also there should be dialogue and even a transparent process through an enquiry or something like that. The choices we had were two -
first option was, to let there be dialogue, to apply pressure for our complaints, at the same time to be mature and put our demands across to the higher officials and be a responsible, vibrant student community which believes in transparency and accountability
the other option was, strike - to gather publicity of the second class media, to offend higher authorities, to piss everyone off in the administration and prejudicing the academic year and careers of many.
Due to pressures of a select group of students, we chose, much to our greatest detriment, the latter.

Next, coming to the abusive readers who had things to say -
You guys have said nothing in denial to what has been mentioned about the strike here except hurling abuses. The leaders of the strike have been fined in the past for using violence on other students, for cheating in exams and stuff like that and there seems to be a causal connection between the strike and the fines. The facts such as number of exchange programmes at NLSIU (which are 18 in the memo of the strike and actually, 4) are wrong. The points about the financing of the strike have not been denied. That just goes to show how immature you are. Yes, you can abuse us one more time. :)

John Lennon said it all for us - All we are saying, give peace a chance...


  1. NLSIU actually sends about 18 exchange students to 8 universities.
    University of Georgetown.
    National University of Singapore.
    Hamburg University.
    Freiberg University.
    Osgoode Hall Law School.
    McGill University.
    Singapore Management University.
    National Taiwan University.

  2. Dude!!!
    Strike is now off n wud result in a success...
    VC removed Sine Die under dictate of Agnihotri J.

  3. lets look at these counter allegations objectively..

    1. why would law students, especialy those involved in a semester system waste their time and prospectively their careers by going on strike?? if you can answer this logically without making absurd allegations about rich and political seniors..

    2. why is it that none of the concrete allegations made by the student community are addressed here. how can u justify forging certificates?? is it because people cheat or because they hit people with slippers(sarcasm fully intended).

    3. how can you justify only 8 out of 20 faculty members mentioned in the prospectus being sure this is also a students gimick for attention or something as absurd.

    4. how can u justify VC telling the students in his official capacity:"if u want your demands met- go on strike" we were interestd in amaciably resolving issues but we followed what we were told by our dishonble VC.

    5. how do u justify the unanimous voice of 300 professionel educated students who are here for one sole reason and that is to study and not strike. it is only when the agitation gets so intense that they use this last resort.

    6. how can you justify shutting down the university indefinitely and asking the students to basically get lost within 5 hours notice. that too becuase they asked for his removal. from what i hear the VC cut off the electricity, mess, transport and the internet. i look at the way the students have behaved during their protest(non violent, calm yet passive aggressive) and i look at the way the VC has behaved - by using the harshest possible means and throwing the students including the women out on the highway. who seems correct here.. do u need ur law degree to figure that one out..

    the day u can answer all the above questions objectively and logically irrespective of your ties with the VC i will resign to greater intellect but till then, shut up and be part of the greater good.

  4. and i believe i forgot to mention one more thing.. the VC has already tried these dirty dividing tactics, to no avail.. so i would honestly suggest that you quit banging your head against a stone wall..

    look at this from a nuetral position..
    Students goon strike.. VC calls some of the leaders and promises them the world.. he then tries this with his close affiliates.. yet the students dont divide and continue to protest..
    oh but im sorry the students are not opportunists and according to you stupid, rich and political so we wouldnt want him on our side..

    get up, smell the coffee, or go back to whichever hole u crawled out of.

  5. Okay Strikers,
    I am a 4th year student of NLSIU and wish to clarify this bit about exchange. Till the ongoing academic year, NLS sent exchanges to NUS, Georgetown, Osgoode and Becerius. A total of 10 students went (2 each to all except Georgetown. 4 to Georgetown).
    From the NEXT academic year, NLS would send SIXTEEN students to EIGHT universities. According to your memo, the "student exchange collaborations" at NLS are 18. That's not true. Number of students from the next session would be 16. Number of collaborations would be 8.

  6. @ Ringo,

    Thanks for the stats.

    @ Anon,

    Baseless averments, yet again. As for your answers -
    First, 300 students are NOT striking. Many have gone back home. Others in Raipur are here only because they situation is volatile and they are not striking.
    Next, these students who are leading the strike are rich enough to support themselves after college. They are not on loans. They have nothing at stake. That's why "rich" matters.
    Further, they also have nuisance value because earlier they have resorted to pressure tactics such as hunger strikes and slogan shouting. They have ambitions dreams of becoming students leaders in the coming years and hence, right now, they are using this chance to gain all the publicity. This is a perfectly reasonable and logical answer to your questions.
    At this blog, we have addressed building, hostel and mess facilities, exchange programmes, lack of world class faculty and lack of registrar.
    Our case is not that HNLU is a heaven among law schools. THE IDEA IS THAT IF THERE ARE PROBLEMS AND IRREGULARITIES, GO AHEAD WITH ENQUIRIES AND SCRUTINIZE EVERYONE INCLUDING THE VC. Our demand is not "keep the VC". Our demand is "let's do thinsg constructively".
    As for the sine die, as for my information, I have two things to say
    1) It was imposed after the students refused to attend classes. The argument was that if classes are not going on, then the university is not responsible for other facilities and people can go home if they don't want to attend classes.
    2) When people refused to comply with the vacation orders, the VC did allow facilities to be reopened. We agree that there could have been another response/responses. But his response was not unjustified.

  7. countering ur argument of rich students I want to say that Ashar Mustafa is a son of a school teacher. Arun Scaria first of all told to his parents about strike because he know that his family will be in very much tensions after knowing this. Zeeshan Ali Khan is also from a very simple family. May be u are talking about some other people but u should know that these students are actual leader of strike.

  8. All I can say is that you guys have made yourself a laughing stock. I dont see much merit in the reason for calling off this strike as the 'assurances' are the same as they were when u started the strike.

    You guys have done nothing but to axe your own foot by getting nothing in the end. You will only lose in this deal.

    NLSIU, year III

  9. @ Anon (NLSIU 3rd yr)
    I agree with you totally. Assurances had been given earlier too. Assurances could have been given without the strike too. And the talks that were held in the final days of the strike could also have been held otherwise. Actually, no intermediate measures were used between "having concerns" and "striking". No talk with the Grievance Redressal Committee that was constituted, no talk with the CJ etc. Strike was a total failure.
